Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Life is a Poorly Composed Melodrama?!

Warning: This post contains references to the Twilight "saga" (I shudder to admit).

For those of you who are unaware, I am not a fan-girl of Stephanie Meyer's teenage [blood]lust series. I have not read the books and plan on continuing to abstain from the literary meth that has ravaged the lives of so many of my contemporaries. I have relented and viewed the "films" that are already on DVD for the purposes of 1. understanding the "culture" in which I am forced to live - by, well, being alive in 2010 - and 2. having a good laugh at poor acting and such. Anyway, I make mention of this so you know that I do not write this as a fan-post.

Awkwardly enough, I feel the need to publish this because in the months since seeing New Moon, I have been shocked - and rather disgusted - at the comparison I've been able to draw between my own life and that of main "character" Bella. One moment; I need to go vomit.

Okay, here we go...
I'm the teenage daughter of divorced parents. My skin is the kind that some might call "ivory". This year I went through my first breakup ever, which was with a hard-to-read, pale-skinned, (dare I say soulless? Perhaps not quite) teenage boy who has weird eating habits and was still 17 when I turned 18. The relationship had a strange beginning; even though he was relatively withdrawn for most of the time I knew him, one day a switch seemed to go off and he decided I was worth a relationship. He promised to protect me and said I was so very important to him, and just when I started to believe him, he changed his mind. Oh, did I mention his absurdly large hair? Yeah, that too.

It's not clear how much of what he said to break things off was true, but he had to leave the state - or country - and didn't want to hear from me ever again. I didn't go into the woods and fall to the ground in mourning, but I did waste many tears longing for what used to be and agonizing over what went wrong. It took a few months for me to feel like myself again and let go of my anger. Unlike Bella, I did keep living and I did a lot of thinking (*huge divergence*). Like in the movie, whenever I do something thoughtless or idiotic, I am reminded of this former boyfriend, like his ghost is following me. Go figure.

For the remainder I'll provide a list of what similarities and differences remain, because paragraphs seem too formal for such subject matter.

~ I still have an occasional dream crashed by ex-bf and it ruins my day (I don't screech like a banshee in my sleep, however)
~ I like dog-people, ha ha
~ Being with friends helps the pain go away
~ Vampires can't use their powers on me
~ Guys dig my wheels

~ When my warm, cuddly rebound comes along, I won't reject him and go back to the unhealthy relationship
~ Hopefully, I don't attract abusive relationships and volunteer to beat myself up like Bella does
~ I won't be jumping off any cliffs
~ I-i-i-i t-t-talk and think pretty well
~ I don't want my blood - or soul - sucked out
~ I can make a rational decision

And there you have it. If I think of any other items to add, I will. Here's hoping that I don't have to write another such post after seeing Eclipse...


  1. And another difference - you know your purpose in life involves more than some teenage relationship based on an obsession with youth!

  2. I did not know all of these comparisons, even if you said them in conversation! Your wit and clever writing continue on...

  3. I love your wit... literary meth, ha ha!
