Sunday, July 24, 2011

On Savoring

Anyone who's shared a meal with me knows that I'm a slow eater - to some, the slowest they've met. I attribute my sloth in gluttony to habitually thorough chewing, a small jaw that tires easily, and (you guessed it) my tendency to savor what I eat. I like to enjoy the flavors of food and drink, so although I'm usually the last to finish at the table, I've often eaten the least. Hopefully I can keep up this eating habit and maintain a healthy body weight for life...

I haven't been noted for voracious reading in my lifetime either. When I'm reading a book I like, I don't want it to end, so sometimes I stop reading altogether just halfway into it. It's a silly method, I realize, but I wish to take the time I need to take in the characters and situations - the flavors of literature, if you will. It really kills me when I want to read a book, but I'm too stressed with schoolwork to find the time. Some of my peers will read a 600-page novel in fewer than 48 hours, but I feel that this practice is like scarfing a fine meal - they miss the whole point of savoring.

This summer I've been working on reading more in a sitting, while still absorbing all the details available. I'm trying to be less reluctant to finish a book - since I can always read something else from the seemingly endless list I've composed when one book ends. There's a problem with reading textbooks because I find I don't really want to spend time savoring dry passages, but if I try skimming I'll completely ignore the content.

I started replaying a video game from my childhood and now that I'm almost to the final boss, I've stopped... I don't want it to be over. I've spent several weeks developing this blog post because once it's done I'll have to think of an entire new post to write. I guess some of it's savoring and some is just procrastination.

Older people tell me that college is the best time of one's life and that I'll miss these days, so I was shocked when one lady last week asked how many years I have left and replied, "It's okay; they'll go by fast enough." I'm actually trying to savor the time I have in school - not that I love having homework, but college has been a great growing experience so far.

With just around a month left, I'm trying to savor the rest of my summer and put off the anxiety of the approaching semester with new classes, a new apartment and new roommates.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect you will find a way to savor the new classes,new apartment, and new roommates, too. I'm trying to savor these few weeks having you home with us; it's been wonderful...
