Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today marks 21 years since I was born, so it seems fitting to provide an overview of the person I've become so far.

My name is a palindrome, and although I've learned not to hate being called "Hannah Banana" since elementary school, I will not speak to you if you add "Montana" to my name.

I drive manual transmission and I always take care of oil changes on time; when I can use my brother's jacks I change the oil at home (he helps). I can change and have changed a tire and I usually wash my car by hand.

Someday I will own a handgun and get a concealed-carry permit... someday.

There aren't a whole lot of foods I hate, but I'm not a fan of mint with chocolate, coconut, or canned carrots. Foods I love are really too many to count, but include chocolate/peanut butter/banana in any combination, treats with graham cracker crusts, honey-roasted peanuts, fried things (but don't get crazy), and milkshakes.

I'm a junior in college studying wildlife and wildlands conservation - but no, I don't want to be a forest ranger; I'm still deciding what to do with the degree when I get it. Conservation is not synonymous with environmentalism and is not to be confused with preservation. It means proper management (which indicates use) of natural resources in a way that will allow said resources to be utilized by future generations as well. I am currently becoming a plant nerd as part of the plant identification team where we learn around 200 range plants (family/tribe, genus, and species) before going to the Society for Range Management meeting and competing against other teams in a huge plant ID test.

I don't get to read a whole lot for pleasure, but I enjoy a well-written book/story/play. As far as movies go, I like action films (with substance - not just built around the action), thrillers, classics, and anything that makes me think. There are very few "chick flicks" that I will watch, especially since most seem to follow the same plot and character profiles anyway. "Comedy" in film seems to be merging with "crudeness," but I do enjoy TV shows with good, sophisticated humor.

Laughter is one of my favorite things ever. I love to laugh almost as much as I love to make other people laugh.

I am learning to play guitar, ski, and bowl; my goal is to bowl over 200 by the end of this semester. It's one of my dreams to see the northern lights before I die, and other than that my "bucket list" needs some work.

If you are one of those "color code" people, I'm very blue with a touch of white, and my dominant "love language" is quality time. It means a lot to me when people choose to spend their time with me.

I have been single for over a year and a half, and although it's a stigma in LDS culture, I'm learning to accept, expect, and embrace life on my own as I plan a future for myself. At this point it doesn't include a full-time church mission, but who knows?

I am thankful for my parents who brought me into the world - especially my mom who brought all 8 lb 15 oz of me into the world - and kept me alive this long, and for everyone who has helped make my life a little happier and more worthwhile. Thank you for your friendships, for teaching me, and for helping in countless ways.


  1. Such an impressive resume! You have done very well with these twenty-one years; the next twenty-one will be even better (and fly by even faster, believe me). I LOVE you!

  2. We're all proud of the woman you've become, Hannah Ban- I mean, uh, love you?

  3. A nice mix of sincerity, humor, reflection, and well, mature/grown-up Hannah. We miss you!
