Monday, July 12, 2010


By now you are probably wondering who you are, why you are here, and how this blog is so lame-looking and yet has my name attached to it, but I know you came for The Hannah, and You know you came for The Hannah. So now that we're on the same page, let's discuss how this blog came to be, and be assured that I will be working on the appearance for all you shallow critics out there.
I've actually been thinking about starting a blog for a few months now, since I've been making a lot of observations on people and the world as of late - so many, in fact, that Facebook just can't handle all the posts it would take to get my thoughts out.
The title of the blog is one of many I considered but it seemed the most pertinent. I consider myself to be in the thick of "growing up" experiences, enduring many rites of passage in the last two years. So it applies to much of what I'll be writing, and it's win-win, because who doesn't love a good play on words?
I intend on writing any deep or hilarious thoughts that come to mind because you all know laughing is one of my greater strengths. For any fans of a certain vampire "saga" that seems to be popular beyond all reason at the current time, I probably will write occasionally to comment on it so I'd suggest working on developing a sense of humor about these things because I won't be apologizing. No worries, though; this isn't going to be a bashing blog. Most of all it will be about my experiences so all my fans can keep track of what I'm up to. Bwah ha ha!
I hope this will be enjoyable for us all. Good luck.


  1. I'm on the edge of my seat. Like right after the THX thing before a movie. Yeah - that kind of on the edge of my seat...

  2. Holy crap! The blog looks amazing! Hey, when are we going to get more posts?
